Forest Sense’s analysis improving efficiency of Orsa Besparingsskog’s forest management
MW Forest Sense, has announced that it will conduct, after a successful pilot project, forest inventory analyses for Orsa Besparingsskog in Dalarna, Sweden. The aim of this project is to have a detailed picture of Orsa’s forests, including for example stand index, thinning needs, information about wood species, amount of retention trees and a refined stand segmentation. Through data fusion and AI-based analysis, Orsa will have even better tools to make databased decisions to optimize the economic and ecological value, and growth of all their forest.
Orsa Besparingskog has a land holding of about 75,000 hectares, of which 60,000 hectares is productive forest land. Orsa has a key role in financing local community and thus sustainable and efficient forest management is needed. With Forest Sense’s analysis, Orsa will have a better picture of the potential of their entire forest area.
“With accurate information about the growth potential of our forests, we can have a detailed picture of our forests’ value, and have better understanding of forest management needs. With Forest Sense’s automated stand segmentation, we will save hundreds of hours in manual work, and have an accurate segmentation between productive and non-productive forest land”, says Mats Karlsson, Head of Forest Management of Orsa Besparingsskog.
Forest Sense specializes in remote sensing services for institutional forest owners and forest companies, providing tailored customer services that cover the entire value chain, from customer consultation and data collection to complete plans.
“Our competitive advantage lies in utilising several data sources in our AI- and data fusion based analyses. These analysis are built based on understanding specific customer needs, and converting them into practical solutions. Accordingly, we can create true value to our customers” says Sixten Sunabacka, Executive Partner of Forest Sense.
“We are looking forward to the results of the analysis and accordingly make our work more efficient. We are active in carbon and biodiversity credit market as well, and these analysis play a key role in this business, in addition to normal roundwood business* says Mats Karlsson, Head of Forestry of Orsa Besparingsskog.
About MW Forest Sense
Forest Sense is a leading provider of sophisticated multi-source analysis of forests for institutional and big private forest owners and forest industry. Our custom-tailored services cover the entire value chain, from customer consultation and data collection to fact-based decision making. Our analysis is based on a variety of data sources, ranging from satellites, airplanes, and drones to harvesting data and available terrain data. Our expertise lies in fusing various data sources, analysing them using sophisticated methods and AI, and providing comprehensive and easy-to-visualize information about the forest. We call this forest intelligence.
About Orsa Besparingsskog
Orsa Besparingskog was established in 1879 to create prosperity for the village and the owners. Over the years, Orsa Besparingsskog has had and still has a very large and important role in the village. It works as an engine that guarantees the people of the village prosperity and continued positive development in the future. Today, Orsa Besparingskog has a land holding of approx. 75,000 ha, of which 60,000 ha is productive forest land.